Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I defeat death what do you do?

I am one of the youngest members of a rescue team called Samaritans Search & Rescue Team Inc. I know how painful is not to be with a member of the family and I wanted to fight with death no matter if it is something supernatural or something caused by humans like sickness and accidents. When we hear an accident on the radio frequency we know what to do and how to do it risking our lives to help the others. For me there is no such thing as the reaper or the death angel because the vitals can be fixed and the person can recover. Some people want to know how are they going to die and some just ignore that they are going to die. No one wants to die suffering like in a fire, car accident or drowning, yet they don't realize most of car accidents, fires and drowning cases are because the victim did not followed instructions.

Death can come in thousands of ways but if you think about it no matter how different it is, it always finish the same way the heart stops and there is lack of oxygen in the brain, everyone lasts moments are exactly the same. I've seen "death" in my face lots of times not trying to get me but trying to get who I want to save. It feels really good to know that you are defeating death for a moment, even if it was the victims fault, like high speed or because of drinking, drugs and even a simple thing like passing by a red light or stop sing. If we are more careful out in the road more lives can be saved. Like I said before, for me there is no such thing as the angel of death.

You can visit and confirm my membership on this rescue team on:

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