Wednesday, April 17, 2013



          School dropout is a problem that affects many societies, including the Puerto Rican society. It is a worrying factor that our children have to give up their studies in some cases. There are some young students who attend school (mostly high school), which already have job responsibilities. What is this? Well, there are cases where the monetary income in the family is not enough. Therefore, many, unfortunately, leave school to assist with household expenses.          Some of our young people end up pregnant before they finish their studies. If the student attends to a private school, surely will be expelled quickly, but when studying in a public school sometimes, there are girls who are absent for a reasonable time and then return to complete their grade level. However, many in order to fulfill the new role as a mother, they do not finish their grade. In the case of the young boy, is the same. Now you have to take responsibility as a father meaning that he have to start working in order to support his family.

          There are those who leave school because the media tell them is successful whom has home and car, so they go looking for that job that offers them the opportunity to have those possessions. However, the dream of owning property often is never reached, because job opportunities for young people without a high school degree tend to be those of low pay or night hours.In the other point of view the school also abandons the students when they provide material for them that is not relevant and an ancient structure. When you have a programmed schedule that leaves unattractive spare time between classes, cause the student to leave school and, most of the time, never come back. Another problem is that many schools teachers teach the same way they did years ago, where technology had not reached the place it is today. The teacher is often not able to understand this world, and harms your student learning.The point is clear: the school must provide the student with the necessary tools that will be inserted into the working world and they will become a fully functional person.

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