Thursday, March 28, 2013


Distorting the reality

         The media is the best way when people have to communicate with the rest of the world. A very informative way that helps us understand why certain things happen when they happen. The media have the power to tell anything, which most of the people will believe without investigating for themselves. Still the media has one problem that they see as a benefit, it is the subjectivity hidden in the objectivity that they are suppose to have.

         The media can alter any information they give using the reporters subjectivity. A good reporter will be as objective as he can using, like the essay says, surveys, facts, polls and even charts based on real statistics. An example of objectivity can be, a car accident with a horse involved has occurred last night in Humacao, PR a young female dead because the horse was found dead over the car trapping the female inside out of reach to save her. An example of subjectivity could be, a fatal car accident with a beautiful horse involved occurred last night in the city of Humacao, PR where the beaches are better, a responsible young woman was found dead inside the car because the big beast crashed and trapped her making it impossible for paramedics to help the victim.

         It happens all the time, the media via newspaper, national television and radio often change the reality to make it more intense. This distorting of the reality is bad because people start to wonder if they can really trust the media once they notice that most of the information is fake or is full of opinions. One of the most common things media do is to expose only two very opposite points of view like the essay in present days. We have to be very picky when choosing an information provider, the most exposed that the information has been to a reporter, the most chance of it to be subjective.
The essay I chose to react

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Interracial marriage

      An interracial marriage is when two people of different races marry. Genetically, there are no physical impediments to interracial marriage. The factors that help or hurt a couple of mixed marriage are cultural and depend on the reactions and influences of the community in which we live. Society states what “should do” or “should not do” and this can cause that the reactions of other members of the community affect the decisions of those involved before and after marriage.

      In this type of marriage is common that each spouse brings to the marital union a list of what to do or not do, what to say or not say, in a marriage to prevent hurting her partner. These individual lists learned in different cultural groups may cause both apparently inevitable misunderstandings and conflicts. When cultural differences such as regional and class are added to the family the possibility of problems is bigger. Even small cultural differences can cause misunderstandings of importance.

      I think that despite the racial differences if there is love, they feel good with each other and they desire to start a family, the couple should try it and get married. This is what the story 'My mom is brown. My dad is pink. We are beige' shows. The story is a great example because the couple met and decided to get married no matter the difference of cultures. Obviously, due to different ways of parenting that they have there will be differences that can end up in discussions and problems, but all marriages have these discussions and problems even if they are not interracial. It is about knowing how to handle these problems and not letting some cultural differences cause a divorce. I think that despite the cultural differences that may have pairs of intercultural marriages, love should prevail. People should try it; I believe it is an interesting way to learn everything about another country and its culture.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


      Religion is an organized collection of belief and cultural systems that relate humanity with spirituality. There are many different religions, each one with their own moral and world views. We all know that each religion, no matter which, has their own preferred lifestyle views and tend to guide its followers with some laws, ethics, and/or moral views. Every religion has its own way of practicing their beliefs. Some ways could be sermons, rituals, veneration of a deity or god, sacrifices, prayer, music, dance, among other. 
       I believe there is what I call the "Architect of the Universe" but I don not believe in any religion since they are made by humans. The religions that we have today criticize antique gods and religions. What they do not know is that those who believed in the antique gods, like Egyptians and Greeks, defended and where able to die for their gods, like today some people say they would do. I think in 2,000 years there are going to exist new religions and they are going to criticize today's religions because it is a cycle that human race have since it emerged the way it did.
I agree whit this person that has commented on this room debate of the New York Times. when I saw this debate I felt that people need to believe in something and that is why religion was created. Everything is based on faith, a term to describe what is humanly impossible, believe without seen things, that is a feeling. Religions say that you have to submit to their commandments or you will be punished. That, in my opinion, is just the most ancient method to control the masses called fear.

Thursday, March 7, 2013



          If we think about the "war" it has existed since the human race began. Envy, Hate, Racism, and everything that is a material which only human can get a selling product out of it, it is going to be a reason for a war. We do not need more trouble, we do not need more wars. First of all wars are created by human to feel superior to other humans, to humiliate, torture and ruined a country. When a war starts in a country that is far away from us, we do not care because it does not affect us, or that is what we think. If the war takes place in our country, near our houses and schools, everybody would care and even try to fight against the "enemy". Taking for example the last war of the United States vs. Irak, did Irak really started the war by attacking the twin towers? Did Irak really dared to kill hundreds of people of the country that has the world's most powerful army? It seems to me that the US sent the planes to crash with the twin towers because they needed the people to support a war with them. What reasons did Irak had to attack the United States?, none, Yet the US government had a huge reason to go to war with Irak, it has a name, it is called petroleum.

          In every war there are dead people, sick people and it contaminates everything near the warzone. Wars are, in my opinion, one of the most illogical and cruelest ways to take over something. Not to forget it is a very ancient method. We only create disaster, agony, and death instead of fighting the hunger, we keep creating biological weapons like, I believe, cancer and AIDS. If the wars had something good about it, why does it have pure destruction? This song that I chose for the topic is a arrangement of the Bob Marley song "war no more trouble", with the same lyrics it is recorded by a new movement that promotes peace between different countries. This song in particular has people from India, many from Africa ,Israel and even Ireland a mixture of different musicians all around the world. The organization is called Playing for a Change, enjoy this and lots of other songs.